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  • Connection Chat

    The connection chat is an opportunity for us to connect. To see if we resonate with each other - because at the end of the day, I WANT you to show up for yourself. In this opening session we explore how I can be of service to you and to discover what it is that truly lights you up in the world and make it your reality. This is a great introduction to what you can expect out of our coaching container.

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Blog Posts (45)


    Originally written 19th October 2023. I’ve always known that somewhere within me I am a perfectionist – no matter how many times or often I have denied it. In that denial, I am cheating myself out of an opportunity. An opportunity to complete something and bask in the reward of that potential success. Instead, I am currently realising I am surrounded with nearly finished projects (and there are a lot of them) purely because the perfectionist in me did not want to share until it is complete = in my mind perfect. The truth of many of these projects is, they are already complete and to an outsider completely unaware of my inhibiting perfectionism would wonder why I was holding such a good thing back. A question was proposed to me by a peer coach, “is being a perfectionist holding you back from success and where you want to be?”. It felt like such an uncomfortable question to answer, because the truth of it is, I am. I am creating a limit, an unachievable expectation for myself. I am straight up from the beginning, setting the intent that whatever I set my mind to is realistically never going to be completed. You could delve deeper into the why of that thought, yet that is a conversation for another time. I feel like even acknowledging that has been the process of my thoughts is a bigger breakthrough. To shift my focus to complete a task, rather than concerning myself on the outcome. Regardless of an outcome, the importance is on the lessors learnt in the journey. This reasoning also brought me to a thought I had heard in another conversation, “we are conditioned to fight for our limitations”. Referring to the fact that we are rarely offered the opportunity to completely dream without limitation. We’re often suggested that “the sky’s the limit” – that saying it itself suggests you can only go so high in your ambitions – not even contemplating that there could be something beyond. But we are also encouraged to be prepared. That any venture without adequate planning and preparation is likely to fail or only go so far. Consideration for any unknown variable is removed from the equations. It is from this thought belief and conditioning that I am working towards unbinding. An encouragement to surrender to whatever the moment presents and rather than acting accordingly, or to a limited ideal, it is to fully give in and experience – to participate. Without holding perfectionist limitation. For the majority of conditioned beings experiencing life today – they will make a held judgement within the first 10 seconds, there is no thought to ‘is it finished / unfinished?’ or even room to be aware of the thought – those judgements come through completely unfiltered. It’s considering that now – why am I so bent on trying to hold sway in those 10 seconds? It’s knowing that – it either resonates, or it doesn’t. To those that it does – they are my people. They are the ones that will still be paying attention regardless of the level of perfectionism involved. When frequencies are matched – that is all the perfectionism that is required. How does perfectionism resonate and manifest within you? And what are you willing to do to pivot from those thoughts? Peace, Sharai x


    There's a lot to bring in to perspective with the NEW ARIES MOON, and with the pairing of the solar eclipse this will heighten it all. It is time to prioritise your healing processes, reminding us that becoming aware of what's asking to be healed, witnesses and felt is the only way to move on without compulsively repeating the past. This is one of my favourite spreads for the new moon - an insight to EMBRACE + LET GO. TO EMBRACE TEN OF CUPS To see a TEN OF CUPS is to indicate a true emotional fulfilment - in particular the loved ones around you. Embrace the harmony that finds itself in your life, bringing joy into alignment with your hearts desire. The strength of cups reflects an intuitive maturity, flow, healing, cleansing, a sense of creativity and inner knowing. Embrace the moments about to unfold. TO LET GO KNIGHT OF WANDS - Reversed Wands are associated with the element of fire - a masculine energy and appears in a reading as a response to spirituality and purpose. Now is the time to let go of anger and the lack of direction you've been wandering, you've been running from committing and approaching your dreams with impatience. Be fearless and charge ahead, but be sure to find the balance in the in-between. These a reminders to allow thing to breakdown so you can experience the breakthrough, this will then lead into the catalyst for a significant shift in awareness and your own consciousness.

  • Break The Chain + Remember Your Dreams

    An insight to the year ahead - 2024. At the beginning of every year I take the time to sit down and reflect. To breathe in and accept the year that was, to breath out and set the intentions for the year to come. I write out my intentions, keeping them brief and then take the time to dive into the deeper. I find what resonates and determine what my theme/word of the year will be. To assist in refining all of that, I create a 16-card reading. 12 cards to reflect on an insight for each month of the year and 4 focus cards for the year. As you can figure - each number represents the month. i.e. 1 = January. These are all arranged just like the hours on a clock. The 4 focus cards can be anything - but the key is to determine them before you pull your cards. In my set up - the represent the following: A) The card of the year - OVERALL THEME B) CHALLENGE of the year C) LESSON of the year D) The DREAM MANIFESTATION In this my annual reading - I like to mix it up with more than one deck and in the choosing, it is purely intuitive. Featured in the reading below there are 4 decks I have chosen from. The Healing Waters Oracle - Rebecca Campbell The Sacred Forest Oracle - Denise Linn Dreams Of Gaia Tarot - Ravyenne Phelan Sacred Rebels Oracle - Alana Fairchild Now here is a detailed look into the insights received from each card. JANUARY - "Let It Rain" - Allowing What is. Inevitability. Trust. - Healing Waters Oracle What are you being called to surrender to? Surrender to what is happening in your life. What has been building up is preparing for a big release and right on cue the down pour will begin. Sweet relief will be felt when the waters of the sky return to the ground. FEBRUARY - "Earth Spirit" - Stability - Sacred Forest Oracle Be present in the moment. Slow down and let go of the businesses and frenetic pace of life. Explore your roots. Honour your past. Go deep. The Earth Spirit is here to support you and hold your love, even if you're not sure of it. The seeds you plant now will bring abundance in the future, but only if you take the time to nurture those new beginnings. MARCH - "The Youth" - #3 Major Arcana - Dreams Of Gaia Tarot A time of influence, of emotional energy, unconscious thoughts and beliefs and how they work to manifest the future. Live free of fear and doubt, allow the rise to a future that is both productive and creative. Life is too short to follow in another's footsteps and do things their way. Do it yours > tomorrow can take care of itself. APRIL - "Inspiration" - Sacred Rebels Oracle Be available to receive, trust what has come through. You are a vehicle for inspiration - act accordingly. Commit to development of your idea and sweet success like abundant honey will be coming your way. Be encouraged to accept the vision, idea and inspiration > it is important to your creative and spiritual growth. MAY - "Ten of Earth" - Dreams of Gaia Tarot Have you embraced the highest of ideals - to lead a fulfilling life doing something you love and to know and understand your place and purpose? Show your true self. Whatever the challenge might be, you will find your centre and move forward in a fearless manner. All aspects of life are coming together as a whole and all are in harmony. This is a time of reward for all the years of dedication of service to family, career and community with love, respect and trust. It is a reflection of what is felt within. JUNE - "The WellSpring" - What are you thirsty for? Body care. Take a breath. - Healing Waters Oracle Where are you pushing yourself beyond your limits? We must embrace our humanity and take care of the body by slowing down, quenching our thirst, and finding ways to recover and deeply rest. Look where you have been going into overdrive, work to bring more harmony and balance back into your life and trust your inner seasons. JULY - "Five of Earth" - Dreams of Gaia Tarot Where ever the deception lays at this time, there may be some basis for your doubts and questions. Your inner voice is telling you to look closer and see beyond selfish desires and blame so you can perceive the truth. Be honest with yourself, or heartache and disappointment may well follow. AUGUST - "Come to Life" - Sacred Rebels Oracle The real you speaks through your rebellious sacred heart and is living your life, not the monkey mind. You need a deeper connection to your own instincts, body, feelings and intuitions so that you can receive your new calling. You can trust in it too. Embrace it and it will embrace you. You are the most sacred of all sacred artworks and you are bringing yourself to life. SEPTEMBER - "Bear Spirit" - Healing - Sacred Forest Oracle You're a healer and a channel for the life force of the Universe. You are strong and grounded. Healing is unfolding and the situation is being resolved. Have faith all is well. Healing IS occurring on all levels, and can come in many forms. Be ready to accept it. As you heal - you will be a healing force for others. When it comes to tanks, don't fret on the how, simply say "you're welcome". OCTOBER - "Frog Spirit" - Renewal - Sacred Forest Oracle Be prepared and willing to release any preconceived notions of how life should unfold. This is a time to be adaptable. Be willing to change; abundance and good fortune will follow. Symbolising renewal, resurrection and transformation. Speaking of a profound restoration of your life is occurring, a reminder that it's never too late to begin again. In order to reboot your life, you need to do things in a different away. NOVEMBER - "The Pink Dolphin" - Celebration. Fun. Unbridled Joy. Open Heart. - Healing Waters Oracle. It's time to welcome more joy into your life. Open your heart and mind to new experiences and prioritising happiness and fun. Play like a child without attachment to the outcome. DECEMBER - "The Word Wants to be Written" - Sacred Rebels Oracle What you are is within you and wants to come out of every available opportunity. Allow the space for it to manifest and let the energy flow. Let go of the idea that you need to search for your path - you activate it by getting out of the way. It's time for you to be naked with yourself, acknowledge how gorgeous you are. What you want to create, wants to be created. THEME OF THE YEAR - "Planetary Wave" - Soul Mission. Trust the Inner Coil. Soul Team. - Healing Waters Oracle Trust the current of your own river and to answer the call deep within. Call in the ones who get you. Realise you are part of a larger team. Your mission - is to keep doing what you are called to do. Your soul chose to come into this body, on this planet, at this moment in time. THE CHALLENGE OF THE YEAR - "Eleven of Water" - Emotion / Intellect - Dreams of Gaia Tarot Suppression and expression - fear and love. What do you find yourself leaning into? If you express instead of express, you will move through life with more ease. It is better to be proactive and mindful when it comes to your emotions. Never ignore them. The challenge will come in balancing and aligning any emotional disharmony that may influence your choice and environment. LESSON OF THE YEAR - "Queen of Water" - Dreams of Gaia Tarot Take heart and know that brighter days are ahead. A reminder to have and maintain healthy boundaries to protect yourself from becoming drained. Believe in the power of love, but also the wisdom that comes with it. Relationships need to be nurtured and maintained, knowing that honesty is okay, as is a willingness to share our feelings. Sharing our true feelings can make ourselves feel vulnerable, but in doing so, it shows courage and strength. THE DREAM MANIFESTATION - "Elves" - Playfulness - Sacred Forest Oracle Embrace your innocence. Let go of heavy responsibilities. Give yourself a break. Nurture your spirit by doing something fun! Joy is important for sustaining yourself as the food you eat. Allow your inner child to play. If your responsibilities and hard work have clogged your life force energy, it's time to give yourself a break and have some fun. Nurture your spirit. The greatest gift that you can give the world is your joy, so make play a priority. When you play > you will find flow. I would love to know if any of the months themes have resonated with you thus far and how they may resonate with the months to come. Peace + Love, Sharai xx

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Other Pages (17)

  • Personal Card Readings | Light of Rai

    I do many a readings for myself - and sometimes the intuitive wisdom is not for me to keep to my own heart. Instead, I thought it time I share a little more deeply to that which assists me to see what my unconscious mind already knows. In the information shared here - always trust in your own discernment. Apr 8, 2024 1 min read NEW ARIES MOON + SOLAR ECLIPSE 2 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Apr 3, 2024 6 min read Break The Chain + Remember Your Dreams 2 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mar 25, 2024 2 min read LUNAR ECLIPSE in Libra 3 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Interested in your own personal reading? Find out more

  • Intuitive Card Readings | Light of Rai

    Intuitive Card Readings Intuitive card readings offer guidance, and insight on unanswered questions. The readings can provide new realisations, shifts in perspective and choices that can allow you to continue into the next phase of your journey. Card readings offer clarity on your soul purpose, your path, a current obstacle or offer perspective on how to handle change. Sometimes, these deeper understandings can highlight areas of confusion that will reveal unwanted patterns of behaviours or thoughts to assist in guiding you to overcome challenges and creating a more fulfilling life. SINGLE CARD READING: The single card reading is a great insightful tool where further guidance on a specific path is required or simply an inquiry. Ask yourself: What do I most need to know right now? What do my spirit guides wish me to know? How can I best energetically support my soul mission/heart’s desires. 3 CARD READING: A more specific card reading than the single card – looking at three facets of your query. Past/present/future Situation/Obstacle/Lesson Mind/Body/Spirit Accept/Embrace/Let Go Dream/Life/Fear Message from the universe/what you need to release/what you need to focus on Guidance/strength/Opportunities 5 CARD READING: The five-card reading offers a detailed reading on a specific query or insight on five aspects in your life that you may need further guidance. Past (events that came before)/ Present (Where are you now)/ Bridge (What led to your current state)/ Future (What is possible)/ Block (What is blocking you from what is possible) Situation/Challenge/Guidance/Focus/Outcome Relationship – you/your partner/the relationship/positive/negative Timeline – past/present/future/what is holding you back/how to push forward. Past influences/present circumstances/unexpected issues/best course of action/outcome Mindset (conscious thoughts)/ subconscious (worries/anxieties/fears) / past (has led you to this point)/ future (what you could achieve)/ present (what you need to know right now) Elements – Earth (what grounds you)/ Air (what are your innermost thoughts)/ fire (what are you passionate about)/ water (what touches your heart)/ Spirit (what defines you) 6 + 12 MONTH CARD READING: This set of card readings offer more detailed insight and guidance for defining aspects of your life. These month card readings can be done in two different offerings: Monthly + Overall Theme Half Year Ahead Insight: 1. Key theme - 2. Key challenge - 3. Deep Wisdom - 4. What’s Rising - 5. Potential Manifest - 6. Message from Spirit. Year Ahead Insight: 1. Goddess of the year - 2. Key theme - 3. Key challenge - 4. Deep Wisdom - 5. What’s Rising - 6-9. Quarter points of the year/theme - 10-11. Potential manifest - 12. Archetype/soul card - 13. Message from spirit TERMS + CONDITIONS Each intuitive card reading is read personally by me. They are not randomly picked by an algorithm. You will receive a document detailing the information from your questionnaire. A depiction of the type of spread, oracle/tarot decks used, the cards pulled, and your message received from each card. Please allow 72 hours for this arrive in your inbox. If you do not see it by that time, please contact me. Intuitive card readings are non-refundable. Please respect this, as my time and energy is valuable and I commit my positive intention to all card readings and offerings. It is a reminder that these readings do not predict the future. Your free-will choices play a large role in creating the outcome of these messages. They are a visual and tangible way to translate the communication provided to you from source energy. Intuitive Card Readings Fill out the details in the questionnaire below to assist in a truly personalised intuitive reading. Select an item (AU$) * Single Card Intuitive Reading - AU$30 3 Card Intuitive Reading - AU$80 5 Card Intuitive Reading - AU$120 6 Month Forecast Intuitive Reading - AU$180 12 Month Forecast Intuitive Reading - AU$300 First name Last name Email Astrology: Westen Zodiac Rising Sign Take a breath, exhale slowly. Make the intention to connect with your heart. Now pause for a moment and intuitively choose your question. Define your specific question What do I most need to know right now / What do my spirit guides wish me to know / How can I best energetically support my soul mission/heart’s desires. Any further insight/guidance you wish to receive? I accept terms & conditions Order Now Thank you for seeking guidance.

  • FAQ's in Business | Light of Rai

    FAQ's of Soul Coaching in Business What does a Soul Coaching in Business session look like? As an introduction to Soul Coaching in Business, I offer an in-person presentation. This involves your key players, or all of your team, depending on the size of your business. We go through what is “Soul Coaching in business” and how it not only can be beneficial to the business, but the individuals that are employed who make up an integral part of the business. We investigate what Dharma Archetypes™ are and how they help identify what our purpose and key desires are. In this section, we undertake the Dharma Archetype Quiz™, ranking each archetype and then delving deeper to discover how each archetype can relate to our personalities, how we show up in the world, job roles and day-to-day tasks that we find pleasure in and enjoy doing. We look further into personality make-up with the Human Design tools. This can be incredibly insightful to some as it provides an understanding of how an individual will interact and respond with others and the environment around them. We discuss how having a level of understanding and knowledge about an individual's personality needs and traits can best support them to bring their applicable passions to roles within the business, ultimately making them your best asset. Struggling to engage your team within the business to be productive? A common thought crossing many leaders minds right now. How can you engage your team to be more productive? Well, it starts with honestly getting to know your team. You know the basics, their name, their family, what car they might drive, where they live and maybe even what they got up to on the weekend. Yet do you know what makes them tick? What are the activities and tasks that really excite them? Everybody has their calling and purpose to everything they do. And it does not look the same for everyone. Some tasks one person my despise, another may absolutely love. It is a matter of understanding the people already within your business and finding that spark that lights them up. Once establishing this understanding, you will know how to attract the right people for any future roles that arise – making recruitment a lot simpler. Personality quizzes like Enneagram, Dharma Archetype™, Human Design are all tools used to discover the elements of which makes a person be who they are. How can you best support your business further? After engaging with an introduction to Soul coaching in Business, you may feel adequately equipped to make changes within your business to put some of the learned information into play. Most however, find that this is the beginning of change within their business. To support your business further, means supporting your team who make up your business. You can offer alterations to role positions and agreements that are inclusive of their key passions and drive to purpose. Other alternatives are engaging in group coaching sessions, face to face or online dynamic, offering to fund 1:1 coaching session, personal development courses and time to encourage growth within the role. It is well known within industry that if you can inspire your people, offer support, and acknowledge needs on an individual basis that the perception within the business creates unbound loyalty and retention, which then directly reflects in the community. Something to consider, what have you go to lose by engaging with the people who power your business? It sounds like woohoo, spiritual, hippie BS. To some, it may. But if it can improve the successes of your business, does it really matter? The way we engage in business is constantly changing, and this also includes the way we engage with people. As a whole, we are craving more community led businesses. Business that actively take an interest in their people as well as their customers. People not only want to know about the ethics behind a business's operation, but they also want to see it. Feel the energetics of it. With the clear establishment of social media – the community will do their research first before engaging with a business. So, what does your community engagement say about your business and the people involved? Are they happy? Is there a clear definition of expectations? Flexible options for work/life balance? Could they see themselves being a part of the community? There is great insight to be learned from the experience of knowing your people on a soul level and providing them with the tools to know themselves. If you can provide your business with empowered, confident, soulfully aligned individuals, imagine the applications that would have? Not only would your people be higher productive in their job roles – the atmosphere of the environment would be one of enthusiasm, appreciation, and joy.

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Light of Rai respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians, the Yugambeh people of the Bundjalung nation and the sacred land on which we live, play and work. We also pay our respects to all elders past, present, and emerging.
Always was, always will be.

Website Created by lightofrai 2024

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