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- Intuitive Card Readings | Light of Rai
Intuitive Card Readings Intuitive card readings offer guidance, and insight on unanswered questions. The readings can provide new realisations, shifts in perspective and choices that can allow you to continue into the next phase of your journey. Card readings offer clarity on your soul purpose, your path, a current obstacle or offer perspective on how to handle change. Sometimes, these deeper understandings can highlight areas of confusion that will reveal unwanted patterns of behaviours or thoughts to assist in guiding you to overcome challenges and creating a more fulfilling life. SINGLE CARD READING: The single card reading is a great insightful tool where further guidance on a specific path is required or simply an inquiry. Ask yourself: What do I most need to know right now? What do my spirit guides wish me to know? How can I best energetically support my soul mission/heart’s desires. 3 CARD READING: A more specific card reading than the single card – looking at three facets of your query. Past/present/future Situation/Obstacle/Lesson Mind/Body/Spirit Accept/Embrace/Let Go Dream/Life/Fear Message from the universe/what you need to release/what you need to focus on Guidance/strength/Opportunities 5 CARD READING: The five-card reading offers a detailed reading on a specific query or insight on five aspects in your life that you may need further guidance. Past (events that came before)/ Present (Where are you now)/ Bridge (What led to your current state)/ Future (What is possible)/ Block (What is blocking you from what is possible) Situation/Challenge/Guidance/Focus/Outcome Relationship – you/your partner/the relationship/positive/negative Timeline – past/present/future/what is holding you back/how to push forward. Past influences/present circumstances/unexpected issues/best course of action/outcome Mindset (conscious thoughts)/ subconscious (worries/anxieties/fears) / past (has led you to this point)/ future (what you could achieve)/ present (what you need to know right now) Elements – Earth (what grounds you)/ Air (what are your innermost thoughts)/ fire (what are you passionate about)/ water (what touches your heart)/ Spirit (what defines you) 6 + 12 MONTH CARD READING: This set of card readings offer more detailed insight and guidance for defining aspects of your life. These month card readings can be done in two different offerings: Monthly + Overall Theme Half Year Ahead Insight: 1. Key theme - 2. Key challenge - 3. Deep Wisdom - 4. What’s Rising - 5. Potential Manifest - 6. Message from Spirit. Year Ahead Insight: 1. Goddess of the year - 2. Key theme - 3. Key challenge - 4. Deep Wisdom - 5. What’s Rising - 6-9. Quarter points of the year/theme - 10-11. Potential manifest - 12. Archetype/soul card - 13. Message from spirit TERMS + CONDITIONS Each intuitive card reading is read personally by me. They are not randomly picked by an algorithm. You will receive a document detailing the information from your questionnaire. A depiction of the type of spread, oracle/tarot decks used, the cards pulled, and your message received from each card. Please allow 72 hours for this arrive in your inbox. If you do not see it by that time, please contact me. Intuitive card readings are non-refundable. Please respect this, as my time and energy is valuable and I commit my positive intention to all card readings and offerings. It is a reminder that these readings do not predict the future. Your free-will choices play a large role in creating the outcome of these messages. They are a visual and tangible way to translate the communication provided to you from source energy. Intuitive Card Readings Fill out the details in the questionnaire below to assist in a truly personalised intuitive reading. Select an item (AU$) * Single Card Intuitive Reading - AU$30 3 Card Intuitive Reading - AU$80 5 Card Intuitive Reading - AU$120 6 Month Forecast Intuitive Reading - AU$180 12 Month Forecast Intuitive Reading - AU$300 First name Last name Email Astrology: Westen Zodiac Rising Sign Take a breath, exhale slowly. Make the intention to connect with your heart. Now pause for a moment and intuitively choose your question. Define your specific question What do I most need to know right now / What do my spirit guides wish me to know / How can I best energetically support my soul mission/heart’s desires. Any further insight/guidance you wish to receive? I accept terms & conditions Order Now Thank you for seeking guidance.
- FAQ's in Business | Light of Rai
FAQ's of Soul Coaching in Business What does a Soul Coaching in Business session look like? As an introduction to Soul Coaching in Business, I offer an in-person presentation. This involves your key players, or all of your team, depending on the size of your business. We go through what is “Soul Coaching in business” and how it not only can be beneficial to the business, but the individuals that are employed who make up an integral part of the business. We investigate what Dharma Archetypes™ are and how they help identify what our purpose and key desires are. In this section, we undertake the Dharma Archetype Quiz™, ranking each archetype and then delving deeper to discover how each archetype can relate to our personalities, how we show up in the world, job roles and day-to-day tasks that we find pleasure in and enjoy doing. We look further into personality make-up with the Human Design tools. This can be incredibly insightful to some as it provides an understanding of how an individual will interact and respond with others and the environment around them. We discuss how having a level of understanding and knowledge about an individual's personality needs and traits can best support them to bring their applicable passions to roles within the business, ultimately making them your best asset. Struggling to engage your team within the business to be productive? A common thought crossing many leaders minds right now. How can you engage your team to be more productive? Well, it starts with honestly getting to know your team. You know the basics, their name, their family, what car they might drive, where they live and maybe even what they got up to on the weekend. Yet do you know what makes them tick? What are the activities and tasks that really excite them? Everybody has their calling and purpose to everything they do. And it does not look the same for everyone. Some tasks one person my despise, another may absolutely love. It is a matter of understanding the people already within your business and finding that spark that lights them up. Once establishing this understanding, you will know how to attract the right people for any future roles that arise – making recruitment a lot simpler. Personality quizzes like Enneagram, Dharma Archetype™, Human Design are all tools used to discover the elements of which makes a person be who they are. How can you best support your business further? After engaging with an introduction to Soul coaching in Business, you may feel adequately equipped to make changes within your business to put some of the learned information into play. Most however, find that this is the beginning of change within their business. To support your business further, means supporting your team who make up your business. You can offer alterations to role positions and agreements that are inclusive of their key passions and drive to purpose. Other alternatives are engaging in group coaching sessions, face to face or online dynamic, offering to fund 1:1 coaching session, personal development courses and time to encourage growth within the role. It is well known within industry that if you can inspire your people, offer support, and acknowledge needs on an individual basis that the perception within the business creates unbound loyalty and retention, which then directly reflects in the community. Something to consider, what have you go to lose by engaging with the people who power your business? It sounds like woohoo, spiritual, hippie BS. To some, it may. But if it can improve the successes of your business, does it really matter? The way we engage in business is constantly changing, and this also includes the way we engage with people. As a whole, we are craving more community led businesses. Business that actively take an interest in their people as well as their customers. People not only want to know about the ethics behind a business's operation, but they also want to see it. Feel the energetics of it. With the clear establishment of social media – the community will do their research first before engaging with a business. So, what does your community engagement say about your business and the people involved? Are they happy? Is there a clear definition of expectations? Flexible options for work/life balance? Could they see themselves being a part of the community? There is great insight to be learned from the experience of knowing your people on a soul level and providing them with the tools to know themselves. If you can provide your business with empowered, confident, soulfully aligned individuals, imagine the applications that would have? Not only would your people be higher productive in their job roles – the atmosphere of the environment would be one of enthusiasm, appreciation, and joy.
- Personal Card Readings | Light of Rai
I do many a readings for myself - and sometimes the intuitive wisdom is not for me to keep to my own heart. Instead, I thought it time I share a little more deeply to that which assists me to see what my unconscious mind already knows. In the information shared here - always trust in your own discernment. Apr 8, 2024 1 min read NEW ARIES MOON + SOLAR ECLIPSE 2 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Apr 3, 2024 6 min read Break The Chain + Remember Your Dreams 2 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Mar 25, 2024 2 min read LUNAR ECLIPSE in Libra 3 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Interested in your own personal reading? Find out more
- Shop | Light of Rai
An Introduction to the CREATIVE side of RAI. If you could find one word that tethers all of my creative works together, it is ABSTRACT. From the abstract elements in fibre and textile creations, to the coarse brushwork and texture in my paintings, to the lines in my illustrations, there is a thread that weaves between it all. In my mind, I like to call it creative vomit that spews forth from the heart, searching for a means in which to come together. Yet I adore the chaotic compositions in which it does. Creative expression to me is completely intuitive. It is the beckoning of a spark that is craving to be ignited. It is my light, ambitious to be shared. To be seen for the rawness that is a piece of my soul laid bare, for the observer to interpret at their own will and level of conscious evolution. With abstract, you see whatever you will yourself to see. Discount Codes + Links When I come across something that has made a difference or changed my life, I canno t help but talk about it, rave about it and try to persuade you all to just give it a try. I thought about it a little more and decided why shouldn't you be rewarded for listening? So, I've complied a list of my favourite products + reads. This website and pages herein may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. The products I recommend here are ones that I use myself and all opinions expressed are my own. All Products Sunshine Dreams More Life Cykel LIGHTOFRAI10 10% OFF Life Cykels' full spectrum liquid extracts are next level. And an absolute MUST if you're looking to up level your state of being. I love using Turkey Tail, Cordyceps + Lion's Mane in my morning Cacao. Ancestral Nutrition LIGHTOFRAI15 15% OFF These have been an absolute game changer for me. Struggling with continued low iron levels and combinations of multiple autoimmune conditions, after 15 years, these is the first thing that started to really rebalance my hormones. Do yourself a favour - try it. Spirit Of Cacao - - No discounts here. Just amazing, reiki infused ceremonial cacao. Sourced from Peru, this single-origin Criollo is full bodied and one of my favourite cacao suppliers. Explore the Shop Quick View Mushrooms In The Night Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 10/13 Price AU$35.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 1/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 13/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 12/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 11/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 9/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 8/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 7/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 6/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 5/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 4/13 Price AU$35.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 3/13 Price AU$25.00 Poster Print Quick View Tulip 2/13 Price AU$25.00 Original Work Quick View Summersus -V.2 Price AU$400.00 Original Work Quick View Summersus -V.1 Price AU$400.00
- Creative + Coach | Light Of Rai
My VISION is to be a manifestation of my heart - the visual outpouring and communication of my soul. The collaboration of my creative being to the voice that speaks with spirit. LIGHT OF RAI + it's collective spaces is a true and authentic representation of my inner dialogue and the intuitive wisdom it has to share. Connect with purpose through owning unique one-of-a-kind works, consciously designed merch or with presence through conscious conversations for wellbeing, soul alignment and the seeking of own truths. CREATIVE COACHING What is Light of Rai? Well… I’m Light of Rai! Rai is a shortened version of my name, Sharai, and I am a multifaceted and multidimensional being. I am a natural-born creative, as well as an advocate for wellness and alignment between all versions of ourselves. I am a crystal lover, serial crafter, dreamer, chaser of the sun and moon, and seeker of knowledge and growth. I truly believe that I am a princess of the Sun (loose translation of my given names) here to serve the collective. To bring and shine the light, the sunshine into the hearts of those around me. And through sharing ALL of my passions, that is how I am here to serve. Why share the journey? It is a question I can imagine many are thinking whenever they come across a blog post or an article. Like you, I am sure whenever you have stumbled across a meaningfully written piece, that in some way or another there is an element of a lasting impression. My reason for sharing, is because I believe in sharing a voice, even if the perspective may be different from your own, sometimes it is that differing perspective that can allow and open your own heart for growth. I often reflect on my journey and realise that I wish there was somewhere I could have found key advice on how to approach the life situations I was experiencing. Things like, journal prompts, conscious meditations, mindfulness activities, and offered tools to assist in overcoming my own self sabotaging. Sometimes even just knowing that another soul has gone through a similar experience, can feel incredibly supportive, comforting and less lonely. It can even be the catalyst that leads to searching for further help. Thus, what has led me to write my own blog and publicly share all the motions I have moved and will cycle through. Offering my insights to how I have overcome that ‘stuck’ feeling and facilitated finding balance, alignment and purpose within my own being and my journey in this story we call our existence. 3 min read PIVOTING FROM PERFECTIONISM 1 min read NEW ARIES MOON + SOLAR ECLIPSE 6 min read Break The Chain + Remember Your Dreams The journey to finding self starts with surrendering. Check out the CREATIVE The latest additions to the CREATIVE fruits and venture that is Light of Rai - available in the shop. Mushrooms In The Night Price AU$25.00 Tulip 10/13 Price AU$35.00 Tulip 1/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 13/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 12/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 11/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 9/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 8/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 7/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 6/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 5/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 4/13 Price AU$35.00 Tulip 3/13 Price AU$25.00 Tulip 2/13 Price AU$25.00 Summersus -V.2 Price AU$400.00 Summersus -V.1 Price AU$400.00 Shop All and Share the Journey Contact
- Plans + Pricing | Light of Rai
Choose your plan to suit your Coaching Package SPARK A$ 180 180A$ 6 x 30 min 1:1 Coaching sessions Valid for 2 months Select
- social | Light of Rai
Home Shop ALL Products Fibre - Sunshine Dreams Mixed Media Illustrations Photography Light Of RAI - BLOG Offers / Services Contact Links Life Cykel - Functional Mushrooms Ancestral Nutrition - Organ Supps
- Offers | Light of Rai
It's not about shining my light to brighten someone else's shadows. It is a coaxing and encouragement that we each have our own light within us worthy of having its own moment. Coaching with me is about bringing forth which already exists within you. It is finding the inner wisdom that exists deep in our souls and bringing forth the knowledge that we can truly achieve and dream of anything we put our mind to, as well as acknowledging that the inner and outer workings of our body and mind work best when in alignment. I don't imagine myself being a guru, a healer and sometimes even a coach. This place here is where I share my stories and lay the groundwork for familiarity and building connections of trust. I am here to create tangible conversations, that reflect back what you might not see in yourself. To build the confidence in trusting your own intuition to assist you in finding the right questions to ask for the answers you seek. To be your champion, your personal cheerleader to encourage you to chase your creative ideas. Coaching can be a lot of things - a thing that ultimately comes down to the desire you wish it to be. Every coach is going to have their own methods, approach, stories and focus. You may even find yourself engaging in multiple coaches at one given time to fill the gaps where another does not fill. And coaching with the same coach is unlikely to be forever. Over time we as coaches and our clients are destined to grow - and akin to everything that grows - we can expand and overgrow from the containers in which we started from. Following from that thought, when we do flourish we should also allow ourselves to be aware of our surrounding environments, with the realisation that some things cannot be forced. If you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it. This is where it takes courage to trust in your intuition and reach deep into those feelings. Maintaining appointments for the sake of going through the motions do not do anyone any favours, least of all yourself. Your energy is sacred and worthy of respect. Allow yourself to be honest in each session you show up - even the days you questions whether you truly don't want to show up. This is the time to sit with the thought as find the reason why? Is it your ego creating fear of reaching new ground and passing previous thresholds? Or is simply because there is no honest connection? With these questions alone, is the reason why I offer "connection chats". An opportunity to connect with the only commitment being your time. If any of this is resonating with you and you wish to engage with my coaching services - reach out below. Grow Your Vision Ready to build confidence in trusting your own intuition? Book in for a FREE 30 minutes Connection Chat. Book Now So why the focus on COACHING FOR CREATIVES? Every CREATIVE deserves someone championing their dreams. Being a creative myself (and a perfectionist in that) self criticisms can be our own undoing. In this coaching container, I am here to be the reminder that you don't require permission to find joy in what you love - just courage to chase the dream. It is about finding that spark within you, that flare that just "clicks". Forcing creative desires can feel like an endless cycle of perfectionism and not truly connecting to your inner self - THIS is about finding connection through intuitive practices and aligning mindset that feels natural.
- Coaching | Light of Rai
Purpose + Mindset Coach For CREATIVES When it comes to Purpose + Mindset Coaching - it is about being led by the heart, the soul, your intuition, and connecting them all together It is about taking the time to create the space to ask the right questions to the answer you are unconsciously seeking. Sometimes finding that space can come in unconventional means - not always in a coaching container. The purpose behind engaging with a coach is to support and assist you in your own journey. For the Coach to be the mirror to unasked emotions, the things that lie under the surface that are the keys to ultimately leading you in the direction of your souls desire - in whichever capacity sings to you. Each session is unique and is aligned to the individual. Drawing upon my own intuition to guide the session and be that safe space where you can stumble to find your way. There is no shame in tripping and finding yourself facing a different direction - is is the desire to keep moving that brings the greatest of rewards. Coaching offerings vary from 3 week to 6 months either as per package or as a monthly subscription. Please fill out a contact form for further details. Current Coaching Offerings At Capacity Please contact to enquire further about upcoming availabilities. Connection Chat Curious about how Intuitive Soul Coaching could work for you? The connection chat is an opportunity for us to connect. To see if we resonate with each other - because at the end of the day, I WANT you to show up for yourself. In this opening session we explore how I can be of service to you and to discover what it is that truly lights you up in the world and make it your reality. This is a great introduction to what you can expect out of our coaching container. FREE 20 min SESSION Book Now
- Coaching - old details | Light of Rai
Spiritual + Intuitive Soul Coaching The aim is to shine the light on your why, your purpose and ignite your spirit to what lights you up. To assist you in gaining perspective, focus and insight to the who you are and all that you can become. Spiritual healing begins when energy and guidance is transmitted from the healer to the recipient. From the Coach to the Client. It is about finding the connection to self and our inner guidance. A session in the coaching container assists in getting you to a place where you feel confident, with faith and trust in your ability to figure it out. To find and connect with the desire to move past barriers, obstacles, work through challenges to reach a place where you begin to embody your personal mission, your why, your reason for being, your soul purpose. See below for available packages. **all prices listed in AUD** SPARK A 6 week, 1:1 Coaching Container to assist you in lighting your spark. This introductory program is designed to spark your curiosity. To encourage an inner searching of what your soul gifts, your personal mission and the soul purpose you are here to manifest. To uncover the limiting beliefs and blockages you may hold that is preventing you from reaching out and taking action towards your dreams. $180 INTRODUCTORY PRICE Book Now GLOW Some days all you need is just to talk it out. You might not necessarily be looking to commit to a regular coaching container, but you still wish to have the opportunity to touch base and uncover any blockages with someone familiar. This space provides a safe container to share and the opportunity to discover the insights which already exist within you. $150 PER SESSION Book Now IGNITE Ignite is a breakthrough coaching container where we establish goals, identify where you are in your soul journey and work through any blockages that may be showing up. Focusing on the pillars of Balance, Alignment and Purpose, this 6 week coaching container is a great opportunity to re-ignite childhood dreams, passions, creative pursuits or to build the fire for a new beginning. POA 6 x 30min SESSIONS Book Now RADIANCE Radiance is a coaching container where we dive deeper. Identifying where you are in your soul journey and putting into place actionable steps to bring your purpose to the forefront. Focusing on the pillars of Balance, Alignment and Purpose, this is a supportive container, with longer 80 minute sessions extended over 12 weeks to allow space for the insights to flow. POA 6 x 80min SESSIONS Book Now Connection Chat Curious about how Intuitive Soul Coaching could work for you? The connection chat is an opportunity for us to connect. To see if we resonate with each other - because at the end of the day, I WANT you to show up for yourself. In this opening session we explore how I can be of service to you and to discover what it is that truly lights you up in the world and make it your reality. This is a great introduction to what you can expect out of our coaching container. FREE 20 min SESSION Book Now
- Soul Coaching in Business | Light of Rai
Soul Coaching IN Business Soul Coaching as an Employer/Business You may think that coaching is just for the 1:1 container, I am here to tell you that soul coaching has its place in every environment. Over the last few years, much has changed in the world, especially the way people perceive and engage within their workplace. If you follow many of the published business journals, you would be up to the date with the talk of terms like ‘great resignation’ and ‘quiet quitting’. These things have occurred as the collective has had the time to reflect and contemplate on the things that they value as important in their work-life balance. If an employee has identified an unbalance, originating from their workplace, they are more likely to reduce their engagement with the job requirements and may have increases in workplace conflict and sick days, eventually leading to a resignation and moving on from that particular employment. When it comes to successful business, people are the foundation. Yes, you can streamline and automate business in every which way possible, but somewhere in the mix, there is a human doing, and you want that human to be involved and “being” as much as possible. When you have a person who is excited and passionate about what they do, you will notice an increase in productivity, flowing through to an increase in revenue and other business successes. All of this can be reviewed and measured through business analytics. So, all of this may come across as reasonable statements to make, but how do you act on discovering what lights up your employees? There are many paths to this discovery, and I have found the best way is to authentically engage and have genuine interest in what a person is about and what makes them who they are. Not everyone will know this information. In fact, most are still trying to figure out who they are by trying on different hats and job roles, momentarily using that title as their personal definition until they feel confident in establishing the elements of what they do and do not like doing. Sometimes as an employer it might be seen as a red flag noticing an employee jumping from one interest to another. Yet there are ways you can support your team in encouraging distinct roles to create productive outcomes. This support can look like offering personal development opportunities within the business environment. Us as humans crave to be connected, and we are looking for all the ways possible to establish and maintain authentic connections. As an employer, if you can offer the circumstances for authentic connection and engagement between peers, clients, customers, and all employees of the business, you are more likely to have higher levels of commitment. When commitment and engagement is high, the flow of success is easily recognisable. People are the most undervalued asset in business, so it makes sense to invest in that asset. Making that investment unleashes a new level of potential. If you are interested in engaging with myself for Soul coaching within your business and eager to discuss how it can be beneficial for your future growth, please use the contact form below. Let’s Work Together Get in touch so we can start working together. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!